Psychology Services
The Crookes Counselling and Consulting Services team are friendly, experienced and compassionate.
With a wide range of experience in the areas detailed below, our team will support and encourage a journey of discovery and change for children, adolescents, adults, couples, families, and groups.
Registered with the Australian Health Practitioners Registration Agency (AHPRA) our psychologists have each undertaken a minimum of six years education & training to be eligible to practise as a psychologist. Our clinical social workers are members of The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW).

Please contact us to see how a Crookes Counselling and Consulting Services psychologist or social worker can help you deal better with life's challenges.
Psychological Testing
**We are not currently offering any psychological testing due to clinicians being at capacity**
Intellectual Assessments (IQ)- Adults & Children
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS)
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC)
Adaptive Skills Functioning Assessment- Adults & Children
- Adaptive Behaviour Assessment System (ABAS-3)
- Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA)
Assessments for:
Learning disabilities
Cognitive disabilities
Developmental disabilities
Daily living skills
Career Planning and Development
Fit for Work Assessments
Counselling Services Available
Children and adolescents. Assistance with assessments for learning disorders, intellectual disability, conduct disorder, and school refusal.
Parenting Skills. Supporting offspring mentally and emotionally through life's journey can be overwhelming for some; parents have help at hand with psychological support.
Stress. We often use the term carelessly to describe our feelings, but for some people stress can be a debilitating and serious illness.
Anxiety. Anxiety affects each and every one of us at various times in our life, however treatment is only required when anxiety reaches extreme levels that affect day-to-day life.
Self-esteem. A person's overall thinking of themselves can be related to one small area of their life, or can encompass their entire world.
Panic attacks. Sudden and daunting, panic attacks can dramatically impact your confidence and thought processes.
Social Skills. Learning to deal with social situations can help people to reduce the anxiety and panic they associate with everyday interactions many take for granted.
Sleep Disorders. Fitful sleep or insomnia can lead to various serious issues throughout the daylight hours.
Phobias. From creepy crawlies to flying overseas, millions of people worldwide suffer some sort of phobia.
Depression. More than just being moody or irritable, depression is a serious illness that can strip away your interest in friends, family and everyday life.
Sexual Difficulties. For a range of sex or couple-related issues, treatment includes assessing feelings of anxiety, stress, and guilt that may have arisen.
Personality Disorders. Particularly difficult and debilitating conditions which often cause severe problems for family, friends, and the workplace.
Psychosis. Resulting in many symptoms, but most commonly disruptive thoughts, personality changes, and hallucinations, psychosis is a serious issue that can require ongoing treatment.
Gambling. Problem gamblers have common behaviour patterns that can spiral out of control unless treated with ongoing support and solutions.
Drug and alcohol. Again, a common habitual pattern can be seen in people with drug or alcohol addictions that our practitioners can help identify and treat.
Grief and loss. The process of dealing with grief and loss is a journey many of us will travel at some time in our life; this journey can be made smoother with professional help.
Habit disorder. Habitual behaviour often provides comfort for the sufferer however some habits can have dramatic health impacts unless treated.
Post Trauma Management. PTSD symptoms are common following major unexpected and sudden events such as motor vehicle accidents or physical attack, amongst others.
Critical Incident Stress Management. Focusing on an immediate and recognisable issue, CISM can help mitigate the effects of shock and ongoing mental stress.
Workplace stress and injury. If left untreated, stress or injury in the workplace will of course affect productivity and profit. Our team will assist you to work through workplace issues to reach an effective solution.
Pain management. Chronic pain from traffic, personal or workplace injuries, including TAC and WorkCover claims, can be managed with a variety of therapies.
Weight loss. As a range of media tells us every day, losing weight isn't easy; rather than buying into the latest fad, consider a psychological analysis of your relationship with food.
Assertiveness. A modern buzzword, especially used in relation to male-dominated industries, learning to be more assertive in your personal or professional life can help you succeed.
Conflict Resolution. By striving to achieve suitable outcomes for any personal or business related conflict, people become more able to easily handle day-to-day situations, complex family dynamics and interpersonal difficulties.
Anger management. Controlling your temper is possible. Learn how to control your emotions and behaviour.
Relationships. Often problems within relationships occur after a break-down in communication; we offer a range of therapies to recognise and resolve a range of issues.
Relaxation Training. By teaching you a variety of ways to reach a state of calmness, you can lower your levels of stress, anxiety and anger.
Psychometric Assessment. Effective testing for intellectual (IQ) and emotional (EQ), memory and personality function.
Medico Legal Reports. Provided for people who have suffered personal injury, are victims or crime or for pre-sentence reporting.
Resilience Coaching. Increased confidence, health, and personal sense of wellbeing.
Our philosophy... To assist clients to enhance their wellbeing,
build life skills and fulfil their potential.